Sunday 16 June 2024

How to add AI soldier into Project IGI 1

Adding AI Soldiers in Project IGI 1

Adding AI soldiers to Project IGI 1 requires a methodical approach to ensure they operate smoothly within the game. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. AI Path (PatrolPath):

   - Each AI soldier needs a designated path, known as a PatrolPath, to navigate through the game world.

   - These paths dictate where the AI can move and patrol.

   - In Project IGI 1, you define these paths directly in the game’s level files, such as "objects.qvm". Example: `Task_New(1, PatrolPath1, "", ...`.

2. AI Script:

   - AI scripts are essential as they define how the soldiers behave and interact within the game.

   - These scripts govern actions like movement, combat responses, and interactions with the player.

   - You can find AI scripts in the game’s directories, such as `level1/ai/530.qvm`, where `530` is the soldier’s ID.

3. Graph ID:

   - Each AI soldier operates within a specific game graph, which confines their actions and movements.

   - Ensure you specify the correct graph ID when adding an AI soldier to maintain game compatibility and functionality.

How to Add AI Soldiers

To simplify the process:

- Duplicate Existing AI Configurations:

  - Identify similar AI configurations already in the game, like Patrol or Guard AI.

  - Copy their paths and scripts.

- Customize the AI:

  - Modify the copied configurations to create new AI soldiers with unique behaviors.

  - Adjust IDs, paths, and scripts as needed to differentiate them from existing soldiers.

- Integrate Into the Game:

  - Once customized, integrate the new AI soldiers into Project IGI 1.

  - Ensure all configurations are correctly linked and referenced in the game files for seamless operation.

- Make sure in objects.qvm you add like this.

Task_New(-1, "HumanSoldier", "", 24103034.0, -55681832.0, 161166576.0, 4.71238899230957, "015_01_1", 1, 6, 4, 
Task_New(1898, "HumanAI", "", "AITYPE_PATROL_AK", 12))),  // Here 1898 is soldier Id and  12 is Graph Id 
Task_New(-1, "Container", "AIs in base for security cam", 
Task_New(3030, "PatrolPath", "",  // Here 3030 is the Patrol Id it should math with Id you give in this AI script 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Delays the script execution for 1700 ticks", 1, 1700), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 4", 2, 4), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 3", 2, 3), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 2", 2, 2), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 1", 2, 1), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 3", 2, 3), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 2", 2, 2), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 1", 2, 1), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 2", 2, 2), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 3", 2, 3), 
Task_New(-1, "PatrolPathCommand", "Walks to node id 4", 2, 4)), 

Friday 10 February 2023

Project IGI - How to add 3D Models

Project IGI, also known as Project I.G.I: I'm Going In, is a tactical first-person shooter video game released in the year 2000. The game was developed by Innerloop Studios and published by Eidos Interactive. Since its release, it has become one of the most popular and beloved first-person shooter games among the gaming community. The game features a range of weapons, challenging missions, and a unique gameplay style that makes it stand out from other first-person shooters.

In this blog, we will be focusing on one aspect of the game - adding 3D models to Project IGI. Adding custom 3D models to Project IGI can add a whole new level of customization and creativity to the game. This can help players create unique levels, missions, and scenarios that they can enjoy.

3D Models information

In order to create 3D models for Project IGI, developers typically use Autodesk 3ds Max 2005. The 3ds Max 2005 version is the most suitable for creating 3D models for the game. To get started with creating 3D models for Project IGI, you need to download the IGI 2 Map editor from FilePlanet. The IGI 2 Map editor contains the 3ds-export-plugin that you can use to export your 3D models from Autodesk 3ds Max.

To use the 3ds-export-plugin, simply install Autodesk 3ds Max 5 and the IGI 2 Map editor in the same directory. Then, you will be able to export your 3D models as .mef files Which are basically Mesh External File. With this simple process, you can easily create your own custom 3D models for Project IGI.

Adding 3D Models into the game

Once you have created your 3D models, you will need to import them into the game. and follow these steps.

1)First decompile Target Level and Source Level models.res from level\models\level#.res 2)Then Copy your desired Model MEF object like 435_011.mef copy all mefs with "435" same model name. 3)Then paste them in your source level models and Pack them again to models.res 4)Then copy object Texture data from level\models\level#.mtp 5)Download and Get MTP Decoder tool under Tools section. 6)Add your new textures in level#.mtp file and Increase total Objects Count and decode it. 7)Now add your New model with full qualified name like 435_01_1 into your level"

System Requirements

In order to use Autodesk 3ds Max 2005 to create 3D models for Project IGI, you will need a Windows XP operating system with at least 8GB of RAM. This will ensure that you have the necessary resources to run the software and create high-quality 3D models.

Discord and YouTube links

For more information on Project IGI, including tips, tricks, and tutorials, you can join our Discord community. Additionally, you can visit our YouTube channel and my GitHub for more tutorials and gameplay videos.


In conclusion, Project IGI is a classic first-person shooter game that continues to be popular among the gaming community. Adding custom 3D models to the game can bring a new level of creativity and customization to the game. With the information provided in this blog, you can easily create your own 3D models for Project IGI and import them into the game.

Author: IGI-ResearchDevs 

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Project I.G.I Editor

 Introducing Project I.G.I Editor: The All-in-One Game Editor for Project IGI

If you're a fan of the classic first-person shooter game Project IGI, then you'll be excited to hear about the new tool that's just been released: the Project I.G.I Editor. Developed by a team of dedicated fans and game enthusiasts, this editor allows you to customize and enhance your Project IGI experience like never before.

With the Project I.G.I Editor, you can edit all game objects including buildings, 3D models, AI, and weapons. This means you can design your own custom level in the game and share it with your friends. You can also upload and download your level to a server, allowing for easy sharing and collaboration.

One of the most powerful features of the editor is the Level Editor. This allows you to add or remove buildings and objects in the level at any position you want. You can select from a list of objects to add to the level and then place them in Edit mode. This gives you complete control over the layout and design of your level.

Another useful feature is the Object Editor, which lets you remove or restore objects in the level permanently or temporarily, depending on whether you're in Live or Normal mode. This allows you to experiment with different object placements and quickly undo any changes you don't like.

The Human Editor is another powerful feature that allows you to update the speed, jump, health scale, peek, and team ID of the human characters in the game. You can also change the human camera between first-person and third-person.

The Weapon Editor allows you to add or remove new weapons in the level permanently or temporarily, depending on whether you're in Live or Normal mode. This allows you to experiment with different weapon configurations and find the perfect balance for your custom level.

The A.I Editor is another powerful feature that allows you to add or remove friendly and enemy AI into the level with various properties such as invincible, advance view, guard generator, etc. The JSON Editor allows you to save or load AI to a JSON file permanently for later use, and you can edit and share JSON files into the editor.

The Mission Editor allows you to add or remove Missions into the level after you design your own custom level. Enter a name and description and save your mission. You can also upload or download new missions from the server and load them into your game to play them directly.

Finally, the Graph editor allows you to see a visualization of the graph and node information. You can teleport or automatically traverse to the graph or nodes in real-time and see where the graph or nodes are in the selected level.

To see Project I.G.I Editor in action, check out the Youtube video and Check out GitHub for Source Code/Download.

If you're interested in trying out the Project I.G.I Editor for yourself, you can download it from GitHub and contact the developer on Discord (Jones_IGI#3954) or via email ( You can also join the Discord server, follow the project on GitHub, and subscribe to the YouTube channel for updates and tutorials.

This is a great tool for game enthusiasts who want to take their gaming experience to the next level. With the Project I.G.I Editor, you can customize your game and create your own unique levels to share with others. So, don't wait, download it today and start creating your own custom levels!

How to add AI soldier into Project IGI 1

Adding AI Soldiers in Project IGI 1 Adding AI soldiers to Project IGI 1 requires a methodical approach to ensure they operate smoothly withi...